Natural Red Head

Cuffs and collar match.
Saw this when it first came out.
Never forgot that bush.


> Cuffs and collar match.

I think they both where colored, since she's actually a blond.

> Never forgot that bush.

LOL. She could've shaved. But they didn't do that in the 13. Century. Which has always bothered me, since she has shaved arm pits...
"I used to be Tommy Verceti, now I'm Phil Cassidy."


15th Century, not 13th. There's been debate for years about whether it was common in previous historical times for women to shave their pubes (which, sadly, has become very common among modern girls in the U.S.)


> 15th Century, not 13th. There's been debate for years about whether it was
> common in previous historical times for women to shave their pubes

They didn`t. Simply because they didn`t have the cleaning methods available, because if you do you have to clean the skin around it very often. Otherwise the flesh will get sore and infected. And if that would`ve happend back then your where dead allready.

> (which, sadly, has become very common among modern girls in the U.S.)

You don`t shave it, I don`t eat it.
"I used to be Tommy Vercetti, now I'm Phil Cassidy."


one more post in this forum proving that you aren't very familiar with historic facts.

in the middle east and india, for instance, depilation is a tradition going way back before christ.

hell man, if men could shave their beards, women surely could shave their pubes and arm pits without getting infections "and die already"!


Chello! Arab historian in the 12th or 13th C. mentions shaving a Crusader's wife at the husband's insistance....

"Holiness is in right action, and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves."


It is obvious that you three (Laokoon, Testorca, Antony Emmel) are boys and dont know much about female hygiene. Contrary to TTH who obviously has lived with at least one girl for a longer period of time and taken an interest in such things. Otherwise you would know that if you shave anywhere you have to bath every day and use powder to prevent what is called dyperrash. In those times bathing was actually considered unhygienic. Just read James Clavells Tai Pan. There is an entire chapter about bathing and hygiene in europe and asia.
For Cleopatra. She is know to have bathed regularly but not in water. She bathed in milk. Also there is a difference between shaved and shaved and smooth and smooth. You can shave yourself with a razor or with a sharp knife but you would still need soap another big no no in medieval europe to get anywhere to a clean shave. To really get a hollywood shave you have to employ even more drastic measures. I doubt they where capable of these things back then.


> Just read James Clavells Tai Pan. There is an entire chapter about bathing
> and hygiene in europe and asia.

Michael Criton`s (SP?) Eaters of the Dead also has Eban (the main character) make some nice comments about Hygine in the middle east and what the Vinginks consider hygenic.
"I used to be Tommy Vercetti, now I'm Phil Cassidy."


Mountain Creek girl... you are right about ONE thing.. I am a guy... I am married, and have had numerous girlfriends, and lived with a few...

You are very mistaken about women shaving... Diaper rash (you've spelled it dyperrash) -- not all people get daiper rash or razor burn from from shaving...

You are also wrong about needing soap to shave with -- The Romans used olive oil (I dated a girl in college that used scented oil for shaving her legs, arm pits, and "other areas" (completely)... and she never got razor burn... or as you put it dyperrash...

not all societies considered bathing to be unhygienic -- again, I will use the romans as an example... the romans bathed constantly... they were fanatical about it... admittedly this was prior to the middle-ages, and customs had changed considerably... but I use this soley to point out the flaws in your arguements...

There are a few websites devoted to this subject... one is ... I beleive they may even have info on the history of shaving as well as famous people who shaved regularly...

and finally... Cleopatra often bathed in water...


Actually bathing was considered unhygienic in the Baroque era, which is some 2 centuries later than what would be considered the end of the middle ages.

You might know about those bathing houses that were popular in european cities from the 12th/13th century, for example?

I don't think I need to discuss my girlfriend's pubic hair trimming with you, let's just stick to historical facts.

It is certain that hygiene wasn't up to today's standards, all I'm saying is that depilation is common around the globe for a long long time; and even though people lacked the comfort of modern tap water and sewerage, they still usually didn't like to live like pigs in the mud.

Not even in the middle ages.

But hey, believe what you want to believe, i made me point and if you are into the history of the middle ages because it is a dark and dirty time in your imagination, well, i'm not here to spoil your fascination.

*i don't mean that in any way offensive!


excellent post laokoon... lets not spoil peoples misconception of reality... I like that!!!


The 2004 DVD seems to have replaced the Red Carpet
with smooth hardwood polish. They show every second
of violent debauchery, but eliminate Agnes' beautiful
hair down there??? What MORONS!

"Historical facts" are that both female shaving and not shaving
are common in all eras, depending on the society in question.

India & the Mediterranean world were more likely to shave
in ancient and medieval times than the Far East or Northern


The 2004 DVD seems to have replaced the Red Carpet
with smooth hardwood polish. They show every second
of violent debauchery, but eliminate Agnes' beautiful
hair down there??? What MORONS!

Are you sure? I just saw this movie for the first time and she had hair down there. I couldn't tell if it was red though.

DISPLAY thy breasts, my Julia!


You are soooo wrong... Cleopatra was known for being "smooth"...


"Cleaning methods"? Well, soap and water have been present in Europe for about two thousand years.

It was definitely common for both men and women to depilate their pubes in Islamic countries from at least the 12th century (depilating by either shaving or plucking). In Europe, we have ambiguous pictorial evidence, and occasional literary references to women's pubic hair (e.g., by Chaucer).

It's bizarre to me that apparently young people in the West now seem to think that women aren't supposed to have any hair below the neck. Fortunately, this weird fetish isn't universal, and there are still women who aren't ashamed of their natural bodies.

"The truth 24 times a second."


It's bizarre to me that apparently young people in the West now seem to think that women aren't supposed to have any hair below the neck. Fortunately, this weird fetish isn't universal, and there are still women who aren't ashamed of their natural bodies.

I wouldn't say people think its not supposed to be there. Hell it grows so it must be natural. I just think its the accepted aesthetic these days.


Yeah current porn actresses and actors have made the hairless crotch the standard in the USA.


Liberals kill with ABORTION.
Conservatives kill with the DEATH PENALTY.
I kill with WORDS.



15th Century, not 13th.

Sixteenth, actually. The movie takes place in 1501.


The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.


Right you are; 16th century. Sorry 'bout that.

"The truth 24 times a second."


<<<<...women to shave their pubes which, sadly, has become very common...>>>> Sadly? SADLY? What the hell is so sad about that?! I happen to think its a GOOD THING if men and women shave their pubes. I'd prefer NOT havin a nose/mouthful of pubes in my face or 1 caught in my teeth when takin care of business thank u. Sadly?? LMAO!! ~~~~~~~~April151CT


its all preference. some people find it disgusting and some do not. hilarious this is an entire discussion on this forum and an interesting read than the norm.

CRKZ/JWZ/CHKZ BLANK all day every day


You don`t shave it, I don`t eat it.

Do unto you like you would do unto others.

