MovieChat Forums > Flesh+Blood (1985) Discussion > Flesh and Blood is parable of communism.

Flesh and Blood is parable of communism.

If you are wondering what the obsession with the colour red and blood is, it's a because it is a parable of the proletariat rising up against the ruling classes.

Viva la revolution.


Interesting. I was wondering what the hell Verhoeven was going for with this one, and that's an intriguing theory. Kind of puts all that Plague stuff in perspective.

She's gone to warn the wizard! Come on, get my tin hat!


Well, it's more than that. Verhoeven's stuff is informed by centuries of unpleasant European history. Although "Flesh + Blood" is ostensibly set in 15th century Italy, it involves some events that actually happened in the 30 Years War in the following century.

"The truth 24 times a second."


In the new mediabook edition from Austria there is a longer interview with Verhoeven and other ppl from the crew. He actually states that the movie is a parable on fashisem.

There is also an interview with the writer that sheds new light on the discusion how old JJl actually was when she made this movie. You gonne be gulping if you hear that... LOL.
"There are only three GOOD ways to die: sleeping; *beep* or in a hailstorm of bullets!"


All his films are about fascist powers gaining control. Starship Troopers being the most overt, ive heard the studios actually told him to tone down the fascist undertones. But if you look at Total Recall the backdrop involves people who want air to breate as to be called terrorists and hunted down and suppressed by paramilitary police forces. Robocop is about the merging of technology with humans or transhumanism which you see so much today. The point of that was for the megacorps to fool the average citizen and convince them this way would help them and also humanize the technology so they could trust it. The plan being the implementation of these robotic cyborg police in all societies and in the remake they they show the same thing obviously.
