MovieChat Forums > Fast Forward (1985) Discussion > Old pal of Monique Cintron (Rita Diaz)

Old pal of Monique Cintron (Rita Diaz)

I studied acting with Monique in NYC with Naomi Thornton. Fast Forward had just come out so I was a little in awe of her, besides having a huge crush on her. She was very sweet and totally real despite having just finished this big movie with Sidney Poitier and Quincy Jones. I wish we had stayed in touch -- but it was a time in our lives when young friendships were quickly formed and just as quickly dissolved. She pursued her acting career with a lot more perseverance than I did. I remember she was primarily a dancer (and a damn good one as you can see from Fast Forward). But she was also determined to develop her acting chops. Looking over the database, she seems to have gotten stuck with a lot of stereotypical "ethnic" roles -- despite her incredible beauty and talent. Hollywood has so little imagination in that regard. If you ever come across this Monique, a friendly shout out to you from your old "Ah Wilderness!" scene partner, Peter. Those were happy times!


I thought she was the prettiest cast member. &
