Noa's house burned down??

Check out the Alternate Versions section for this movie on this website:

"In a home video release, the following two scenes were deleted: when being chased by Terak's men, Wicket races for Noa's house but Noa tells him the only chance they've got is the star cruiser. Then a scene that happened shortly after where the men went inside and burned down Noa's house."

Has anybody ever seen such a scene? I've seen a lot of versions but I've never heard about these scenes... I'd be very interested in seeing it if it excists.

"Cindel's lines: "Do something, Wicket! Use your sling! You hit the ring!" have been altered to "Do something, Wicket! Do something!" for the DVD release."

-sigh- ... for what purpose?!


I have an ex-rental copy, when i get chance i'll watch it to see if the scenes are in it.


I have the ex-rental myself. My copy doesn't have such a scene. Haven't yet checked the DVD versions I have though...

Forget about this, I've been told that this is true, from a certain point of view :p Well at least the part of Noa's house burning is. I don't know about the part where Noa is supposed to tell Wicket that his Starcruiser is their only chance.

As for Noa's house burning, it refers to Cindels dream. I think the dream sequence was cut from some of the versions shown on television.


So, I checked my taped from tv version... They had some funny commercials in the 80s...

Both of these scenes are indeed there, Wicket runs for the house, Noa says go for the starcruiser, then the Marauders come and burn down the house...
When I watched the DVD, I thought it was strange when they went straight to the Starcruiser, and now I know why I thought so...

Why do they change these things...


I also have this film taped off the TV, I was about 8 or 9 when it was televised, and I reviewed it because I thought something weird was left out when I was watching the DVD cuz I remember that "burning the house" scene. Here I thought I was going to erase my copy that I taped from TV, but now I think I have changed my mind completely! Damn them people for not giving us the full cut of this film!


I also have this movie taped off of tv and it also has those scenes added, mine is on trusty old Beta Tape, lol but my tv version doesnt have the part in the dream where Cindel sees Terek (sp?) when in the dream she tries to wake up Noa.


This isn't the only thing missing.
At the end Cindel says" "Wicket do something! Use your sling!" and as the stone hits the ring around Terak's neck she says, "You hit the ring!" This scene is almost entirley missing.



"This isn't the only thing missing.
At the end Cindel says" "Wicket do something! Use your sling!" and as the stone hits the ring around Terak's neck she says, "You hit the ring!" This scene is almost entirley missing."

This scene isn't missing on the DVD, though it has been changed a little bit. Instead of "Do something Wicket, use your sling!", Cindel says "Do something Wicket, do something!" I think the scene is pretty much the same except for this...


Does anyone have this missing scene to rip from a vhs and upload somewhere?


"Does anyone have this missing scene to rip from a vhs and upload somewhere?"

Yeah, please? I'd love to see it.....


The commercials are the best! I must have recorded this about 1986 or so, and there is a McDonalds commercial starring Jason Alexander (George from Seinfeld) singing his young, not-as-bald head off. Classic!


I'll have to dig up my old VHS version and compare it with the DVD.
