Why kill off Mace?

The first movie was one of my favorites at the time. I watched it over and over again.
But why in this world did anyone find it necessary to kill off the only interesting child in the sequel?
I dont get it. I know people in general have a thing for little white orphaned girls, but Mace could easily had a role in this. The first movie is thrown out of the window with this one. I dont understand why they made it.



Films are usually made with a sociological agenda in mind. In this case it was to show young girls that they could be brave and strong in the face of adversity, and to rely on those they knew they could trust.

Not to get too off track here, but it's why you see a lot of police dramas and family sitcoms, as opposed to adventure TV shows set in the 18th or 19th centuries, or a series about soldiers winning battles.

I hope that helps.
