death of mace

i find it strange that (one of the main) characters from the first ewok movie dies so simply and unimportantly in this movie. WTF!....anyway it feels like there was some sort of "in the business" beef which caused it. maybe he ticked of the director of the first movie or something.



In retrospect, merely separating Cindel from her family (as opposed to killing them) might, and I do stress MIGHT, have made a better film.

Cindel could have gone through all of her adventures with Wicket and the Ewoks, then be re-united with her family at the end with Noah's help.

Who knows. I think part of the idea was that killing her family might have made it more universal with children who actually had lost their parents; that is kids overseas who grew up in war zones, or who lost loved ones in natural disasters and so forth.
