Star Wars-Did it Really Happen?

Some people think so. About 12 years ago I stumbled on this sci-fi magazine in an antique store. It was called Star Battles and it was an issue from the summer of '79. I bought it not knowing what kind of articles or pictures it would have, because I am a Star Wars magazine collector. In fact, I like any sci-fi mag from the seventies or earlier. Little did I know that this article would contain the best article ever printed about Star Wars. Now, I'd like to share this article with you. You can read it by clicking on the link below which will take you to my web site; Diablo's Diatribes and clicking on the link titled: Star Wars Hilarity. Then after reading it (it's not very long) I'd like for you to sign my guest book and tell me how you like it, or you can post your response here-or both. Thank you.


There are no Star Wars magazines prior to the 1970s.

The original film debuted in 1977.

I therefore think you're either a fraud or are trying to sell something.



He must have edited the post, because I swore it said said some year prior to 1977.

I was there opening day, and bought a couple fan publications that came later.
