SPOILERS? Is this the movie..

..where at the last minute they realize one of the Dozen that will be posing as a nazi is black (whoops!) so they bandage up his face? ..But then a nazi soldier notices his arms are black (-sighs-) and a firefight breaks out?
Please tell me I'm remembering wrong and this movie isn't as bad as that.



Are you sure it's a Dirty Dozen movie? Sounds like Garrison's Gorillas to be


yes this is that movie


Actually one of the very few odd parts of the film I liked.

Normally a keen commander would have seen and planned around sneaking a black soldier into an Aryan nation. Particularly in 1940 American service when they still had colour segregation.

But the fact that Reisman hadn't even twigged that one of his soldiers is obviously black (despite all the "n****r" jokes from the rest of the men) is actually quite cool in my book.

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