Essay Question

OK I need to do an essay in school tomorrow on What Willy's inerpretation of The American Dream was, and how it was represented through his actions, dialogue, and thoughts, any help would be great...

I will cut off your balls so that you cannot contaminate the rest of the world


Probably way to late to answer, but here go's...

Willy's interpretation of the Am. Dream was pick a job that made a lot of money, and be likable so that you don't really have to work hard. He encourages his kids to be popular, not studious. He is truly happy in construction work (fixing stuff in the house), but doesn't respect the blue collars. He has no respect for anyone except those who make money, yet he expects respect from everyone, even though he makes no money. He constantly boasts of imagined successes he had previously in his life. He talks about building relationships as the key to success (They love me in ...), but the man does not have one constructive relationship at all, personally or professionally.

It's really funny how Miller deconstructs all the self-help, positive thinking, Norman Vincent Peale and Carnegie success systems through such a low man (Loman) as Willy. Here is a man who probably only studied these types self-help books, yet it failed him because he truly never should have been a salesman, as his passion and ability was construction.


Probably way to late to answer, but here go's...

Willy's interpretation of the Am. Dream was pick a job that made a lot of money, and be likable so that you don't really have to work hard. He encourages his kids to be popular, not studious. He is truly happy in construction work (fixing stuff in the house), but doesn't respect the blue collars. He has no respect for anyone except those who make money, yet he expects respect from everyone, even though he makes no money. He constantly boasts of imagined successes he had previously in his life. He talks about building relationships as the key to success (They love me in ...), but the man does not have one constructive relationship at all, personally or professionally.

It's really funny how Miller deconstructs all the self-help, positive thinking, Norman Vincent Peale and Carnegie success systems through such a low man (Loman) as Willy. Here is a man who probably only studied these types self-help books, yet it failed him because he truly never should have been a salesman, as his passion and ability was construction.


hmm i thought it was more

his interpritation was that he had a false sence of pride and wealth, and his main obsession with cars and new products (friges, the recording box, cheese) is caused by society. this play is not based on the main character it is based on a representation of the direction american society is turning, with a focus on succsess and the high iraquie of life.

American beauty was based on this film, at the start you can hear a mention of the loamans who lived next door and the trees that were cut down. this is the same in the story where the 2 large trees were cut down. i forget the resemblance because i saw it ages ago but the movies are based on the same concept.

"Well sir, I go down to the airport and shoot birds"


You are absolutely right about the cars and products. These are the types of trappings the middle class is obsessed with, thinking it is also the obsession of the rich. The rich are actually very frugal, probably buys washers and fridges of the same or lesser value than the lomans could afford.

Helped my wife flesh out a paper she was writing for literature. Every vivid memory he has is of a failing he has in regards to his family. The poor examples and advice he sets for his kids, the missed opportunities he had with his brother, the adultery.

His less vivid memories are presented in random, stream-of-conciousness, contradictory statements about imagined past successes, failures in his profession, unresearched schemes for success, and how succssful his underdeveloped sons are.

His story is truly a tragedy.

Thanks for the heads up on American Beauty. I'll have to check it out again.


Yes it is quite interesting, and you can miss it easyly.
The Caracters are not the same but the representation of having everything on the outside of the house (AB: RED roses (DO NOT GET ME STARTED ON THESE I WROTE MANY AN ESSAY ON THESE BLOODY ROSES!!!), white picket fence, fancy car DOAS:nice car, frige, Selling Job, succsessful sons "or so he thought")

these were all a wrapping of the distrought metal health of the main character and the problems faced in the household.

Notice in AB when they are talking to nextdoor neighbors and alike they smile, wave arehappy and the husband and wife dont yell at eachother outside often. Then inside its yelling abuse ect.

A good representation is when The wife cannot sell her house she worked hard on and she closes the blinds so she can cry, she does not want the outside world knowing the state of her mental heath and the severity of her problems.

"Well sir, I go down to the airport and shoot birds"


"The rich are actually very frugal, probably buys washers and fridges of the same or lesser value than the lomans could afford."

Not so. Remember how Howard suggested that Willy get a cassette recorder? "It's only $119.50" (or something like that). Howard just doesn't realise that most people aren't as lucky as him.

LMC xxx

I pull the trigger till it goes click.


You lucky basterd. My essay for so much harder. I have to write two pages. the question is, " When willy says that the grass doesnt grow anymore, how does this metaphor tie in with his life. Include his past experiances and his current plans and struggles. Also tell how the characters of his wife, biff, and happy, tie in with this metaphor." anyone want to help me on that.

My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father prepare to die.


wow, thats tough.

Well, a lot of times I'm doing it from work - Cosmo/Prabhakar Anand comes clean
