MovieChat Forums > Day of the Dead (1985) Discussion > What was Logan doing on the tape recorde...

What was Logan doing on the tape recorder? (Spoilers)

that made Sarah react in disgust and throw the tape recorder across the floor? I didn't quite get it.


According to some posters, Logan was having sex with the zombie(s).

What we think, we become.


He was talking to his mother clearly demonstrating that he was insane (not sure if he was pretending a zombie was his mother since it was audio only)


I believe his ultimate goal in his experiments was to bring his dead mother back to life.


He was a spoilt pampered brat, who in typical John Hughes style spoilt pampered brat ways, hated his parents. Logan aint too far removed from the Cameron Fry character from Ferris Bueller!!

He named BUB after his father, who was a doctor too. And was rich! His father didnt approve of Logan doing "purely research", saying there was no money in it. Logan's father must have been ashamed of his son, and the boys at his club (maybe one of them exclusive old world style clubs with butlers and cigars over port in the library and no women allowed, or maybe, a lodge style club where he wore one of the funky little Fez style hats. Like "The moose lodge" or something. You guys figure that out) probably teased old man Logan about his uncouth, wayward son who didnt appreciate his station in life. Old money i'm guessing too.

On the tape, Logan is having flashbacks about his overbearing, dominating mother. She'd be the typical housewife in pearls and pleated skirt who makes her husband a martini as he walks in the door. In relation to his family, Logan was helpless and hopeless. He only felt power butchering up zombies. As he says about Bub "I ALLOW him to exist". There was no love in Logan's family. Only prestige, and keeping that prestige up.

Logan felt no empathy with anyone. Chopping up the soldier who died meant nothing to him, in fact, he was flippant, saying to Sarah "he's more help to us dead than he was alive". Logan didnt fear the end of the world by ravenous undead - he relished it! Welcomed it! He probably felt his research could lead him to be, in effect, "king of the zombies". HIs own personal army to do his bidding against all the bullies in his life.

Logan is/was just like Norman Bates from Psycho.


corgi37, where the heck did you get all that detail from? Logan was nuts, plain and simple.


I haven't seen this in a while (and don't care to see it when I did just bored) on sci-fi but what your saying is Wolverine is in this??????????????

The reason Wacko Jacko died is because it's heart just couldn't BEAT IT anymore.


Yes, wolverine is king of all zombies, it's top secret and only people on imdb realise that, so please don't spread it too much!


Lols that's what I thought


good post corgi, cheers for the analysis


Well I think Corgi is full of "it" and has no merit! Ferris Bueller is an awful movie with an awful message by the way.

"Listen, do you smell something?"
Ray Stanz-Ghostbusters


so u agree and disagree with corgi?



Yeah, i also wonder what he was doing on the tape recorder... anyone got any more ideas?

"Every day humans come one step closer to self-destruction." - Albert Wesker


What? My detailed examination of this aint good enough for ya?



Never said that,
IMO you can never have too much different interpretations, so i'm asking what other people think

"Every day humans come one step closer to self-destruction." - Albert Wesker


Quality Corgi, just quality


As other posters have pointed out, he was having a "argument" with his mother (where she was apparently chastising him, weird huh) and thats what was on the tape recorded. They didn't react in disgust and throw it BECAUSE of what was on the tape, it was because they saw the head of whateverhisnameis.

The tape getting up to that point added great atmosphere for that moment. But in no way was the reason she freaked out.


I agree there as well, she threw the tape to the ground because she saw the head of the army guy, not because of Logan's prattling. The tape was just exposition, showing that Logan was CrAZy!!

"Have you paid your dues Jack? Yes sir, the check is in the mail."


It sounded like Logan was acting out some sick revenge fantasy against his mother imo at the end it sounded like he was violently beating "mother" to death.


There are some parts of this movie that make me crack up laughing and this is definitely one of them. I also crack up every time I hear Rhodes say "You want me to salute that pile of walking pus? Salute my ass!"

Actually I feel sorry for Dr.Logan in this film, I believe he had good intentions. The severity of the issue forced him to be brutally objective with his research, and the pressure got too much. It would happen to any of us.


I always thought Logan was re-enacting the punishment his mother gave him and whipping the zombies as a type of role-playing. The recording clearly has some type of "whipping" sound in between his sentences, so I always just figured he was using a zombie to act it out.

Mainly it was used to show Logan was insane, no matter what the recording actually portrayed. He was clearly talking to himself and acting something bizarre out.

Look at my power over your weak predictable mind.DON'T READ.


I was under the impression that he saw the zombie as a child confused about the world around him and what better way to re-teach him how to behave then by taking a role of (nourishing) mother.


The scared woman zombie they brought in from the coral just 'disappears' at some point

As Frankenstein called the one zombie Bub like his father maybe he was treating her as his mother and ended up destroying her (the conversation he was having on the tape)
