No soul?

D.A.R.Y.L., as lovable as he was, having only a computer for a brain, should not have had either a soul, or a true consciousness.
Since atheists seem to be capable of loving people, such as their own kids, the perceived no-soul condition apparently does not exclude someone from being lovable.

However, would people be severely distracted by the thought that he was not truly conscious--that there was nothing really there, inside his head, looking back at them--just an elaborate, polite, response machine.

The story is king.


That just it, Daryl was meant to be a robotic miliatry solider built to follow others without emotions. He would have if that doctor had not have taken him away from the facility. It was then that Daryll learned and developed emotions which made him human. Thats why the doctor at the end clearly stated that a robot becomes human when you can no longer tell the difference. The point of the movie was whether he was human not if he had a soul. Even if only part of his brain was computerized the rest of him was human. Hence the end. And its just a movie and youre suppose to use your imagination and nit take it literally.


The philosophical zombie is dead, dude. D.A.R.Y.L. was correct in this: A machine becomes human if you can't tell the difference...
