MovieChat Forums > Cocoon (1985) Discussion > Where did the aliens get dollars $$$?

Where did the aliens get dollars $$$?

Where did the aliens get dollars to pay for the boat and other stuff? It is not as easy as it seems to get real money, even for aliens. :)
Since each banknote has its own number, they could not make their own, as they would be considered counterfeit. So either they would have to steal it or earn it. As they are portrayed as moral aliens they would probably not steal it or make counterfeit banknotes. But how would they earn it? There are of course countless theoretical possibilities (they could sell something what looked like earth product), but it seemed that they stayed too short on Earth to open any business. ;)


There's tons of possibilites, perhaps they may have sold precious Antearean Artifacts to a collector in another country before they arrived into Florida. But you should consider that Anteareans are an advanced species, probably 10-20 thousand years more so than human beings. You can draw you're own conclusions the possibilities are endless as to how they could get money.


Maybe out of the poker game shown in one of the series of clips for one of the songs???????????????????????????????????


Synthesized precious metals is one possibility. Or for a long shot how much would Hugh Hefner pay to have his weenie work right again?



"ey, man. Didn'choo watch Independence Day or War of the Worlds?
Aliens can get anything they want, and no one's going to stop them
unless it's microbes or nuclear explosion.

I don't think the folks in Cocoon had any of that stuff. Well,
maybe microbes.


It's a movie. They don't have to make sense. Why would aliens at least 10,000 years more advanced than we are (remember they had interstellar flight before humans even dreamed about pyramids) need some puny boat to help them retrieve a few cocoons? Sure would have been a lot easier to just bring in an advanced mini submarine, which I'm sure even we could develop given 10,000 years or so. But aliens zipping in undetected, dropping a submarine, finding the cocoons and bringing them home without ever interacting with humans is not much of a story. Enjoy the movie for what it is, a very pleasant story and a reflection on old age and the attraction of eternal life.


I have the feeling that since they could impersonate humans so well, they could also come up with money that would not be counterfeit.


I guess with their tech, they could find a sunken ship with tons of gold on it that has never been found by man, and cash it in.


Aliens capable of long distance fast space-traveling have potentially unlimited natural resources at their disposal. Wouldn't surprise me if they sold some diamonds/gold to make a quick buck (or several millions).


My question is how the hell did Guttenberg keep the money Walter paid him for the boat dry? At the end of the film Walter handed him a masisve wad of notes and Guttenberg took them and jumped into the sea. All he was wearing were tight shorts and a tight t-shirt. Were they waterproof bills??? !!!!

The memories of a man in his old age are the deeds of a man in his prime


He had a bag in his hand when Walter gave him the money. when he jumped into the boat the bag was also in the boat. One can assume he put the money in the bag.


"My question is how the hell did Guttenberg keep the money Walter paid him for the boat dry? At the end of the film Walter handed him a masisve wad of notes and Guttenberg took them and jumped into the sea. All he was wearing were tight shorts and a tight t-shirt. Were they waterproof bills??? !!!!"

Aren't all bills waterproof?
Once it drys it's as good as new. You never pulled money out of the washing machine?


You never pulled money out of the washing machine?

Nope, only my crusty rancid undercrackers and the rug I wrap the bodies in.

The memories of a man in his old age are the deeds of a man in his prime


he put the money in a bag which he threw down into the small dingy boat before he jumped off the Manta III boat into the water.



My first guess would be alien prostitution on earth.
Relax! -
