MovieChat Forums > A Certain Sacrifice Discussion > Madonna was really demanding even before...

Madonna was really demanding even before she was famous.

You would think that before big-name A-listers were famous, they would at least be a little humbled before their big break, but I guess I'm wrong. Being that this was a student film and that it was very unlikely that this film would get a wide release, it is almost unheard of for talent to get paid. The most they would get is that they would be fed and given a copy of the finished film they can include in their portfolio and a reference.

Unless Madonna had a crystal ball at her home that told her she would be famous in a few years from the filming of this movie.


Well Madonna was always pushy--that probably helped her get where she is now. She wasn't that bright though. Signing that release was pretty stupid. I heard Barbra Streisand was the same way. Even when she was unknown she was loud and pushy. Heel--on her first movie she told the DIRECTOR how to direct:)

