any good?



That depends on your taste; if you like 1980's exploitation films (such as "Chained Heat", "Savage Streets" and "Reform School Girls")with that (to me) cool 1980's music score, than this is the motion picture for you.


I suppose those are decent enough comparisons. I like all three of those, especially Chained Heat and Savage Streets. I don't think Certain Fury is as enjoyable as those. Certainly doesn't deliver on the eye candy front the way those women in prison movies did. Potential was there, I guess. Tatum O'Neal is really cute in this movie.


Hell,no---it sucked back in the day when I first saw it---just caught it on the BOUNCE channel and it's still lame.


Yeah, that's the thing: I think it can be okay, depending on attitude and perspective. It's trash, but c'mon, kind of a time passer at worst ?
