MovieChat Forums > Cat's Eye (1985) Discussion > Why such a low rating?

Why such a low rating?

eh? :(
Cats eye was one of my favorite short movies as a kid. I watched it many times. Heck around here we even watched it in school a few times, and even in high school...(in TN, USA)

I expected to see it with at least a good solid 7'ish area.
I'll never forget that little troll, he scared the crap out of me, yet at the same time had my laughing.

I gotta say, those special effects for the troll for that time period were pretty good.


if it was called DOGS EYE, it would have a 7.9 rating

people don't like cats which is so hard to understand

cats are the PERFECT pet

all dogs do are bark and $h!t


Dogs are more loyal than cats. I had a dog once that got hit by a car. He was fine afterwards. But my dad had to pay 200 pounds for the damage my dog did to the car!
One tough mutherfvckin dog!


<Dogs are more loyal than cats. I had a dog once that got hit by a car.>

Wow. Those are two completely unrelated sentences, other than they are both about dogs.

Nonetheless, dogs have a reputation for being more loyal than cats, but that really couldn't be furthur from the truth. I wouldn't say either animal is more loyal, but they are loyal in their own seperate ways. A dog will go fetch something for you, but a cat knows you capable of getting it yourself.

Dogs are pretty dumb animals. Cats are a lot smarter, on average. Sure they don't train to do tricks as well. That's not a matter of intelligence but one of choice. Cats are more free thinkers.

Saying a dog is more loyal than a cat is like saying a slave is more loyal than an employee. They can both be loyal, but its different.


I agree, dogs are pretty stupid. Sure they can do tricks and can understand simple one and two-word commands, but still I have to question the intelligence of any animal that actually eats crap, especially when you consider how dogs are supposed to have really great senses of smell. You'd think that would make them even more repulsed by defication than humans, but I guess not.


I love how you say cats are smarter just because there free thinkers. You don't see the dog going up and chewing on an electrical chord because they're "free thinkers." Now time for massive link sending.,0,1159138.story

One giving an even statement...

And I could send you more but they're basically just the same study by different doctors.
Anyway, I'm not saying that cats are inferior to dogs, I'm just saying that they're both smart at certain things, dogs just seem to be better at the things that count...


no you see them chewing through wires cause they're dumb.



The movie, like many others, was popular at a time without Internet ratings.
It belongs to another era. Also a lot of people will be confused as to the actual target audience, since at that time age ratings and genres werent that strictly defined.

While it is a mild horror movie, it features a trained cat like some Disney movies and also the last story would be more fit for a kids film. There is a contrast between the first 2 stories and the last.

Not all audiences like that much variety in a film.

Such a movie would be difficult if not impossible to produce today, even at a low age rating.

regarding the dogs or cats arguments:

I dont mind if dogs or cats are smarter but in the country side I can leave the cats to roam free wherever they want. They go hunt for mice, lizzards, birds,insects etc and eventually they come back without harming anyone.

While it would be irresponsible to let a dog and especially a large one, roam free without you near by or even without a leash. Some people are very scared of barking dogs, even if they mean no harm. In order to do this you have to take the animal to faraway places without many people nearby. You dont know how a dog will react. Unfortunately a lot of dog owners leave their animals roam free.

A dog requires greater responsibility than a cat.


I stopped reading are you said cats are smarter animals than dogs. Typical cat owner.


I love animnals. I love cats and dogs but I agree with you. People generally prefer dogs than cats as pets. People who don't like cats are people who never had one...


I was wondering the same. I loved this movie since I first saw it (I was maybe 15/16 and now I am 18) and considering it is an 80s movie, I think it was filmed rather well! The troll never scared me I thought he was cute and I loved it when he was on that record player lol. It wasn't a scary movie but I enjoyed it. :-)



The final episode is great; the first two suck.

Okay, maybe they don't suck, if you look at them as individual episodes, but they don't fit in with the premise of CAT'S EYE, which is basically a fantasy about a heroic cat on a quest to save a girl from a monster. Mobsters, electrocutions, and severed heads don't really fit.


I also disagree with this film's low rating. I think CAT'S EYE is a wonderful movie, it always puts a smile on my face. I really love the resolution at the end when the last story comes to a close. Of course, I'm a cat lover and so it's nice for me to see a film where for once it's the cat that saves the day instead of a dog. On the up side the DVD has a really cool extra, the film director does commentary during the movie. So I guess there must be a pretty good number of people who like this film.


if anyone think cats cant do tricks go to youtube and search for cat tricks, bengal tricks, click training cats etc
its just different because they learn better with intelligent positive reinforcement.


Agree. I loved it in my teens, and it lingers in the memory. No idea why it's so low.


they have everything to do with a cat's eye. the stories are related to things that happened to the people the cat was picked up by. it doesnt take but a lick of sense to understand this. its also not the first time a cat has been used as a device to link stories together. see


This is a very silly film, but you can enjoy its goofiness at times, particularly the second segment. A rating of 6.4 would be good at least.
It's also a rare Stephen King film that SOUNDS like Stephen King, you can tell from the dialogue. And that cat! What a fine piece of animal acting!

Not to mention that villains are defeated by... *drum roll* pigeons and Sting music!


Astro's gallery of nonsense comics at:


i just watched it again and i reckon it deserves bettr i gave it a 8/10


Such a good movie with such a poor rating... Who understands people...



It's a lot better than the rating would suggest.
