Your favorite CB songs?

I like the songs in all the Care Bear movies. In this one my favorite was the Care Bear family song - the one they sing when the cousins get their tummy symbols. Care a Lot and Nobody Cares Like a Bear are tied for second. What are your favorite Care Bear songs? They don't have to be from the movie.


my favorite song is from The Care Bears Movie II: the new generation, its the song at the very end where all the care bears, CB cousins and the kids are playing in the lake, the song is like this "flying my colors so that everyone can see, isnt this a perfect place to introduce me, they say that im magic im special its true, let the magic of my power put its power on you!" i love that song


That's the "Flying my colors" reprise. I like the first version better.

Ben Grimm forever!


Flying My Colors
Forever Young (the credits song from II)


For this movie it has to be, "Nobody Cares Like a Bear"
But overall it's, "Flying My Colors"



"Flying my Colors", and the song led by Cheer Bear in the second one (she does some sort of cheer before the song itself stars) are my top favorites. My other favorite songs are "Care-a-lot" (opening song in this film), and "Growing Up" (from the second film).

Ben Grimm forever!


Most of the songs from Movie II. Tope three being: Forever Young, Growing Up, I Keep Recalling.


There's a song in the second film, called "I Keep Recalling"?

Ben Grimm forever!


D'oh, I think I was confusing the name. I meant Our Beginning.


Care-A-Lot, Home is in your Heart, Our Beginning, and Forever Young.

I also enjoy I Care For You, but not nearly as much for some reason.


The song in the second movie at the end - "Forever Young."


" Flying my colours " is my favourite.

" Forever young " brings tears to my eyes : (


"Forever Young" from the credits in the second movie. That song brings back so many memories.


Forever Young
