Remake announced

(But instead of the jock, the nerd, the criminal, the princess, and the basketcase, it's be the hipster, the hipster, the hipster, the hipster, and the hipster. It's going to be two hours of them sitting at their tables looking at their cell phones and sneaking out occasionally to vape) LOL



Yeah their pressing issues could be

1) How they were emotionally scared when they did not get a participation trophy when they were 8.
2) They cannot believe their parents are making them get a job during the summer.
3) How mad they were when the car they got for their sweet 16 was white instead of black.
4) That their safe space was violated when a teacher criticized their paper in front of the class.
5) The horror of not having a social media following.


And one of them of course will be followed by a camera crew for either:

A) a Dr. Phil episode claiming they're being raped or abused by a relative

~ or

B) the filming of a reality show with some British has-been celebrity as the host


People, people! We're missing the obvious here.

They will all be glued to their iphones and video games while doing all of this.

Actually, the entire film will be subtitles of them sending text messages to each other.


So true

And the kids are about to rebel when Vern confiscates their selfie sticks (and all of the flag poles) because they're considered dangerous weapons. But WHEW, Bender has already smuggled some in on the previous weekend . .


Yeah it wouldn't be the same. But the way a remake would be done is everyone on phones for an hour and a half.


We're on to something here! Vernon takes the phones in the beginning and they learn more about themselves and each other, without them. Whole new look at things without the constant social media.


Being a teacher I want nothing to do with those phones. should something happen to that phone while in my possession, I have to pay for it. no freaking thank you.

and how kids are today... 'no you can't make me' this and 'i'll tell' that.
and their parents are worse than they are. double no freaking thank you.

Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.


I feel for you, I have heard the same from friends who are teachers.

When I was in school it was simple, you did what the teachers/coaches told you. If the school ever called I knew I was fked. Yes, most of the time the school called I was in the wrong, but there was one time I really did not do anything wrong and I stood no chance. And when it came to sports, if I or any of my team mates did anything stupid we spent the entire practice running laps or doing sprints. Seems today parents think their precious little snow flake can do no wrong.


You typed the words right out of my hands.


Thanks, I wonder what the process is these days for expelling kids?

There were not a lot but there were a handful when I was in school and several occasions when the school said the student can either see a therapist on a regular basis or leave. It seemed each time there was little if any resistance from the parents. I would imagine no matter what the student did the parents would show up the next day with their lawyers.


Expelling? Today the family probably takes the school board to court because sweet little Johnny or Jane couldn't be not no do nuttin wong

The kid probably gets a ribbon for letting the parents open the email telling that they committed the infraction.. since they're all on email 'CC' .

In 'The Breakfast Club' days, mom & dad would be called ASAP and TOLD to be at the school the next morning - thankfully I was more Brian; just w/out the flare-gun.


well, when a kid in a charter school can't cut it they get kicked out and sent back to regular school.

and yeah, there are awards and parades for every single little thing. some kids need the awards and parades because of whatever is going on [or not going on] but to do it to everyone is a little exhausting and meaningless.

we have too many parents who either just don't give a shi7 or actually tell their child to misbehave. we had a parent of a kid who was in the middle of his many destructive fugues tell him to :jump on top of that teacher's car. and he did it. can't blame the kid for that. in any event the parents are the problem not really the kid. even if the kid has a medical condition [schizophrenic/severe lazy eye] it is still up to the parents to get that taken cared of.

i just really wish we had the right [we ought to have the right to do this] to say "your child can not enter the school until you come for a meeting." and "You need to come sit with your child for two days at least to see how he or she behaves/treats others." but unfortunately, these 'people' are too busy 'working' to deal with their adult lives.

we had a kid [3rd grade] bring in a knife with the intention to kill a classmate who was just removed from the school for 3 weeks. it should have been for forever. but NOOOO... this kid has an IEP... He's SPECIAL. he doesn't understand. Ugh, i hate this about the disabilities act now... what does this kid learn by just a slap on the wrist??? NOTHING! ABSOLUTELY JACK SHI7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.


Yeah, it's insane.

When I was in school kids got kicked out for the following reasons:

1) Writing fake bursar slips and charging someone else or an imaginary person for their books, supplies, gym clothes, etc.

2) Steeling calculators

3) A few girls who got stupid drunk before our 8th grade prom (one had to have her stomach pumped) and were told attend rehab and attend therapy or you cannot come back and they chose the latter

4) A couple guys got drunk on school grounds and were expelled

5) One girl's behavior was always disruptive and she was not asked back

6) One girl threatened a girl's life and they checked her locker and found a switchblade

7) There was a fight were one kid slashed another kids face with an exacto blade, not only did he get expelled he was arrested

And of course there were numerous kids who failed out as well.

In all cases, not once did the parents threaten to sue, they knew their kids were wrong.


In all cases, not once did the parents threaten to sue, they knew their kids were wrong.

and now it is all because no one is made to take responsibility for their lives. the parents are aloud to not be adults -- be on the dole for literally no reason other than laziness. the kids see this and want to opt out of the tests because their parents get to opt out of life and it looks like fun.

i just love it when i see parents dressed to the nines while their kids literally smell of shi7.

i love this quote about baby mommies...

Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.


Exactly! That is spot on about baby mommies! I see in my daughter's school many cases where the mothers have no idea what they are doing and the kids are dying for attention as they are raised by nannies. Those kids have a one way ticket to rehab.


honesty, I'd rather them be raised by nannies. at least they are being raised. and the parents are at least wise enough to pay someone else to raise their kids.

I don't know how many times shi7 happens to kids because they are out in the street with their parents at all hours of the night. we had a kid be shot by a stray bullet and killed and it didn't click with the parents that shooting the breeze at 2am outside was the problem. they are whining about the shooter being the problem whereas if the kid was home in bed, would not have happened.

if the bullet didn't take the kid out of the situation, then CPS would.

Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.


Yeah, rather than have Andy beat that kid up and tape his buns together, he could have cyber bullied him.

When Brain asks if they are going to be friend on Monday, Clair could say there is no way they are ever going to be facebook friends.

I am actually thinking not a remake but a parody of how kids are today versus 1985 might be comedy gold.




I agree. What type of child do you think Brian and Allison (assuming they stayed together) raised? Probably a pansexual hipster, who believes in safe spaces, that "words hurt" and thinks weirdness was cool.

It's GenX who are responsible for millennials. GenXers (and late Boomers) over coddled their kids, set few boundaries and basically let them get away with being unruly without punishment - to the point where as young adults, they feel entitled. Millennials basically took idealistic points-of-view that GenXers were casual about 20 years ago and ran with them to a larger and more sanctimonious/obnoxious extent.



They wont be sending messages to each other but to their contacts on social media ;)

so sad... the magic of this movie wouldnt fit anymore



Dang, one could really have fun with this given the age.

* One of the teenagers is a regular guy with good grades but he made the mistake and said "what's up, man?" to a delusional guy who thinks he's a girl. He was sent to Saturday school as an alternative to sensitivity training.

* The second is a girl who offered counseling after school on school grounds for teenagers about peer pressure and social anxiety. She offered one girl who got knocked up a number for the adoption agency and the new age feminists were triggered to the point the gutless principle catered to be PC and gave her Saturday school.

* The third is the son of a local businessman who during a lecture in class over economics, he gave the elements of financial success. Unfortunately, he didn't check his privilege and had the audacity to mention poverty stats and how they correlated with single parent homes, drop outs, teen pregnancy, etc. After getting hit a few times, he was warned to be more sensitive and Saturday school would be a better place suited for his calloused remarks.

* The fourth is the daughter of one of the teachers. One day, several of the students were being disruptive in class. The teacher told them to sit down! The students raged and crowded the teacher physically until the daughter got up and pulled one of the girls back by her hair. For daring to lay her hands on another student, she was sent to Saturday school.

* The fifth is a jock with little interest in school politics. Before the last game, he prayed but made the mistake of doing it out loud. Unfortunately, the ACLU heard about it and brought a lawsuit on the school and he was forced to go to Saturday school to learn to respect others beliefs and accept the revisionist history that freedom of religion only meant no religion in the public arena.

* The sixth is a girl (sorry..has to be half and half for PC reasons) is an exchange student from overseas. A group of students were asking her if she wanted to March in a PRIDE parade. Confused, she asked them what that was. When told, she asked why would she want to promote an act recognized by 3/4 of the world (and growing) as a sinful defect? The angry vice principle angrily lisped to her that Saturday school was the only place for her intolerance.

They spend the Saturday realizing how messed up their generation is and decide to download and share the original "Breakfast Club" movie and they sigh with the realization their nation is screwed because the loonies took over. It ends with a look at their futures how they run things in their lives and the triggered losers are either complaining from their cells/shanties or they suck up hoping for a promotion.

The end :-)

"Obamacare: It only works if you don't!"
