MovieChat Forums > Brazil (1985) Discussion > Who thinks this movie is the same as Fig...

Who thinks this movie is the same as Fight Club?

On All Movie Guide on similar movies to Brazil is Fight Club even on CD Universe on similar moives to Brazil is Fight Club.

Can anyone compare both movies? are they both cult films? and are both movies about workers who hate their life and jobs as they want to escape from reality and have an imaginary friend, a similar love interest, anti-social themes, movies about society, terrorists being the same of blowing up shopping malls etc. all the way to the ending?

Kill Whitey-Black Sheep


I wouldn't call the films same but Sam Lowry, Harry Tuttle and the knight in shiny armour trio in Brazil is very similar to Norton-Pitt duo in Fight Club.

Sam and Norton both have more attractive, more talented and more courageous alter egos.

Excuse my English please, not a native speaker.


What about the themes and ending?

"If this is torture, chain me to the wall"-Oliver and Company


Fight Club and the Army of the Twelve Monkeys, in 12 Monkeys, are much closer, to the point of the actor being the same guy.
