Overrated garbage

So, I was really looking forward to watching this since it's supposed to be an iconic early-Cusack film... but what a load of crap. The acting was horrendous, the jokes were mind-numbingly lame, and the plot was weak. In my opinion this is up there with Teen Witch as one of the worst films ever made in the 80's. It's not even worth watching for nostalgic value. I had to constantly fight the urge to turn it off, which is very rare for me. I completely understand why Cusack has tried to distance himself from this one. 2/10!!


And I consider it one of the greatest teen comedies ever made.

I don’t need you to tell me how good my coffee is.. 


Hey, to each their own.


That's the beauty of it. 

I don’t need you to tell me how good my coffee is.. 


It's farce....it's slapstick....is it a "great" comedy? No of course not...but neither were the three stooges....its greatness in this case comes from one novel scene after another....its absurdist and great fbor what it is.

I'm not sure what a great comedy is...American Pie? Annie Hall? 40 year old virgin?


Agreed, this movie is so stupid and dumb. I'd want to distance from it too if I was in it!


I wonder how much of it is completely unrelatable to an audience nowadays. No one has a paperboy nor get newspapers thrown at their house anymore. Bullying is no longer comedy fodder. The things that were funny then are seen as racist or sexist today. The stereotypes have been overplayed and parodied as have the 80's movie tropes. How funny can an Asian Howard Cossell be to those who are unfamiliar with Cossell who died 20 years ago?
I don't know. I find it one of the most atypical teen comedies of the 80's while still incorporating the tropes of the time.
Yes it is stupid and dumb - while being pretty damned smart at the same time.

I don’t need you to tell me how good my coffee is.. 


People today are far too concerned with whether things are offensive to one group or another. The only thing that matters is if it is funnier than it is offensive. Jokes told out of hatred are never funny but we should be able to tell the difference. Part of acceptance in society is being able to take a joke. If we can't make fun of each other and ourselves then we can't accept each other. Nobody likes you if you can't laugh at yourself a bit. That's just human nature.


My criticism has nothing to do with whether it was "offensive" or not, and I am certainly old enough to relate to the time period depicted in the film. My review was based on the fact that it was a very poorly made satire. Also, the jokes and the writing were horribly bad.


It really wasn't attempting to be a satire. Just a surreal teen comedy.


Not sure how this is overrated in our day and age.


The perfectly good white boy?


I had no idea it was that iconic, in fact I knew nothing about the movie when I first saw it on tv years ago and I really liked it. I've seen it two more times since and still like it. I like "Teen Witch" too  . As for Cusack's desire to distance himself from "Better off dead"...well, that goes to show he is even dumber than he looks 



It's supposed to be silly.

Good harmless fun.

It may not have Grade A humor (I'd say it does), but a movie chock full of Grade B and C humor can't be too bad.

Nice songs and a cute romance too.


Humor is subjective, and this is very styilzed. So if you don't like it, then yeah, there's not much for you here.

Considering Cusack did 2012, and a lengthy series of throwaway roles no one remembers other than he was in it, he'd be better served to embrace this since it's withstood the test of time.

2012? Really? *sigh*


Come on man, mellow off. You're really bringing me over.

"Dan Marino should die of gonorrhea and rot in hell. Would you like a cookie son?"
