Is Doc Brown a treasonist?

He conspired (even if he was actually forced to work for them) with the Libyans to build a dirty bomb. Even though he made it out of pinball machine parts and stole the plutonium, any aid to terrorists is treason. Just owning that nuclear material is also high treason.


Except he was never going to build them an actual nuclear bomb. He just wanted the plutonium


TMC-4, have you ever heard the term "sabotage"? Doc Brown was clearly doing this and in fact PREVENTED the Libyans from having any kind of bomb at all.

And who says "owning" the nuclear material (which no doubt the Libyans themselves stole to begin with) is high treason? He simply put it to a different and non-destructive use.

I'm sure the US Government would commend him on both counts for thwarting a terrorist nation like Libya.


No, as he just needed the plutonium for the Delorian


Not treason, no. Owning or possessing fissionable material? That's a different story.


In the United States treason has a specific definition, defined in the constitution, Article 3: Section 3

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

So let's look at it. He did not levy War against the US. He did not adhere to the terrorists or give them aid or comfort; he specifically took the plutonium from them.

And, since it did not happen during a war treason cannot be committed. You might make a case for espionage, but espionage is not treason.
