Mr. Phillips...

Am I the only person who wanted to beat the TAR out of that teacher?

Okay, seriously...He's in love with one of his students, which is highly inappropriate. I don't know if that would have been 'illegal' back then, but I do remember that that's part of the reason why he had to leave.

The way he singled Anne out was inexcusable. I wanted to slap those glasses right off his weaselly little face.

On the other hand, the actor portrayed him very well.



Hahaha - I called him 'Mr. Frogface'. The poor actor who portrayed him! (not his fault he resembled a human, blonde frog)


"Well, Miss Shirley, since you seem so fond of the boys' company, I shall indulge your interests! I want to you go sit over there .. next to Gilbert Blythe .. Did you hear what I said?"

"Yes sir. But I didn't supposed you really meant it!"

"Oh, I can assure you I did! Obey my orders at once!"


Yeah, dude was a scum bag.
