Diana's sick baby sister

I would alway choke up on this seen and always wondered if the little girl playing Diana's sick sister was truly acting or if she was really crying hysterically in this scene? At such a young age she did such a good job portraying someone who is really sick and in pain. Any thoughts...


The little girl (Kevin Sullivan's niece) was made hot and uncomfortable for the role so she would look flushed and feverish.

"House. My room. Can't walk. My medal. My father. Father, don't!"


Poor mite!

Cats rule, dogs drool!


Yeah, I remember Kevin Sullivan saying in the DVD commentary that they brought the little girl (her name is Morgan) on the set on a very hot summer day. She had never had any experience being on a movie set, and those tears were real. She was very upset for some reason--I'm not exactly sure why, but I think it was the heat and the fact that she was overwhelmed by what was going on around her.

Kevin Sullivan says she was a hit at her elementary school after that, though. :)


yes i wanted know about the sick baby sister, she had the snuffly snotty nose laboured breathing, sobbing, it was so real!!


That was some of the best child acting I've ever seen. I knew those tears were real but I thought they probably told her that her dog died before they started shooting or something.
