this always bothered me

Jackson picks a fight with Joe because he's a glory-seeking loner who gets people killed. Is it just me, or does that not change just because Joe beat him in a fight? "Curtis Jackson's man enough to admit when he's wrong"? Why is he wrong? Surely if winning in a fight was all it took to be right, Joe would have been right in the first place


I think it was more because Joe proved he's the real deal in the fight with Jackson..that he wasn't just a hot headed dude with a temper.



Yes, good point.


Jackson states that his big problem with Joe is that he thinks Joe's just a "glory boy" who wanted to impress the Colonel's daughter (like the guy in the barracks accuses Joe of doing) with fake flashy moves (which is why he mockingly calls him "Karate Boy!" and is constantly yelling at him to show him what he's got).

When he gets his ass handed to him, after pushing and pushing and pushing Joe to fight, as the guy above wrote, he realized Joe was the real deal and respected him for his conduct and his fighting abilities.

"Man enough to admit when he's wrong" is his way of acknowledging Joe really wasn't trying to look good, but that he had what it took to look good anyway.



Likewise, I was also sold on Joe. Awesome music in that scene too.



Absolutely agree with you on the music in that scene, Habit.

Sad to say, the composer, Michael Linn, passed away just a few years after scoring that movie, of cancer. I love the score to this film.



I use to think the exact same thing. But like everyone is saying in this thread by beating Jackson he proved he was the real deal.


Well, to be honest, it didn't take much to beat Jackson. The guy looked like a kid on a playground having a fight, not an expert martial artist 

But of course he totally redeems himself with that totally macho scene where he comes in the jeep guns blazing and shirtless. Probably the most macho movie scene ever 

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


Please put spoiler in your headline next time. I was going to watch this today and now I know Joe beat him in a fight
