20 dollars

Where did paul get the $20 he gives to the cab driver?
I would check but I deleted the recording


That's a strange question. I suppose he got it from the bank after he cashed his pay check. Where do you get your money?


I am not sure if you have actually seen this film...
The whole point of the movie is that he has little money (97 cents) after he loses the 20 dollars in the cab..
When he meets the same cab driver he waves another 20 dollar bill, I can't remember if someone gave it to him or if he found it.
That is my question


Oh THAT $20! He stole it off of Kiki's paper machete sculpture. And by the way, this movie is on my top 5 favorite movies ever list so rest assured...I've seen it..and yes more than once :)


Sorry about the misunderstanding, I should've mentionned it was that one I was talking about
Why would Kiki put a $20 bill on her papier mache, huh?


Yes indeed..my apologies as well. I automatically assumed you were referring to the $20 he lost during the cab ride. And as to why she put it on there to begin with isn't meant to be known as it's just a part of the plot. In an earlier scene while he's waiting for Marcy, he goes up to it and touches it. I think for a split second he had the impulse to steal it right there but Marcy came out and that was that. As an artist, Kiki could have just done it as whim. Or perhaps it accidentally got on there and she deciding to leave it or possibly she never even noticed it was there.


I originally thought it was Paul's 20 that he lost during the cab ride over, but that would have been impossible because Kiki had already placed it on the sculpture before he got there. What's strange is that the "pasted" 20 looks like it was torn in half or is too long to be actual currency.

There was a Seinfeld show once that had Jerry becoming an "even-Steven" after finding a twenty in his jacket, only to have Elaine toss it out the window for George to eventually retrieve on his way up to see them both. I've always wondered if that was Larry David giving a nod to Martin Scorsese (as he did in Curb Your Enthusiasm).
