Remake 'After Hours'

Saw this when it first came out, and i have always wondered why it is so under-appreciated. I think it was ahead its time, especially the humor. A remake is due.


You can't remake it because of ATMs, debit cards and cell phones, unless it is still set in 1985.

Rebuild the WTC exactly as before and keep old movies accurate!

reply's possible. i disagree that you couldn't make this movie because of cell phones,ATMs, debit cards. The phone is really not an essential dilemma in the film. Paul gets access to different phones, so a cell phone really wouldn't eliminate his problem of getting home. Especially, since he really has no one to call due to financial problems. The phone could also break, or get stolen. As for ATMs, credit, debit, he could just lose his wallet and therefore have nothing.


All remakes are UNdue.


I was thinking the same thing after watching it, this seems to be a case in which a remake if done and approached carefully can be done right, if I ever become a filmmaker, I will so try to get this remade. It's such a great story.


No, let's don't remake it.

"check the imdb cast list before asking who portrayed who in movies"


Why not come up with something original instead?

Hitler was a dog person.


Great concept!!!! Think it might catch on?

"check the imdb cast list before asking who portrayed who in movies"


Personally i would love to see this redone to fit a modern narrative with the same title and basic plot of the worst night of a man's life & keep all the brilliant surrealism of the original. Put in another city like Seattle or San Francisco, Even better would be a british version set in London or Liverpool and I can only imagine how good of a movie it would be if it had Martin McDonagh(In Bruges is one of a kind) as the director!



"check the imdb cast list before asking who portrayed who in movies"


I don't think this should be remade because NYC circa the 80s is the main character! Personally, I wouldn't appreciate anyplace/anytime else.


I don't think this should be remade because NYC circa the 80s is the main character! Personally, I wouldn't appreciate anyplace/anytime else.

That might be the only valid reason to remake it though, take the same basic story but run it through today's standards. Like the original Scarface from the 1930s vs the remake from the 1980s, they end up being totally different movies - both worth watching for different reasons. I also like movies that work as something of a time capsule, especially ones filmed during the actual period, but while we may enjoy time capsules from the 1980s other generations will want a taste of the 2010s, etc.

And meanwhile on Mushroom Hill this happened


Everyone would have to be texting & checking their Facebook page every few minutes. The flow would be ruined.


Why this obsession with remaking anything? The movie is a masterpiece as it is. Do we need somebody to paint the Mona Lisa again?


Please don't suggest that. What is probability that some Hollywood formula director could make anything close to as good as the original?


No, a remake will never be due. It's even in The Bible, "THOU SHALL NEVER REMAKE AFTER HOURS."

You people are crazy.

“Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance."


Man you just can't contradict yourself more than you just did. Except of course, if you're a moron that will always be broke.
