MovieChat Forums > After Hours (1985) Discussion > Burns cream and book (spoilers)

Burns cream and book (spoilers)

Is there any explanation as to why Marcy had these ?

Her death was rather sad, which is credit to Rosanna Arquette, as she managed to create a convincing character with not much screen time.


the cream was for the tattoo, has for the book, I don't really know.

I didn't eat for three days so I could be lovely.


Marcie's husband was obsessed with Wizard of Oz.
Marcie was first person that Paul meets and she is fasinated by burns and fire. Scarecrow was first person Dorothy meets in Oz and is afraid of fire.
Paul spends the whole story trying to get back home.
When Paul is encased in paper mâché and can't move it is reminiscent of Tin Man when he is rusted stiff.

I'm sure there are more Wizard of Oz references in the film. Anybody?


I'm not going to lie I just watched the film for the first time, loooooved it and that explanation of it just totally tripped me out lol.


Ah the getting back home bit, I love it. I suppose one of the ladies he encounters could be a wicked witch, maybe the lady with the ice cream truck - that's her broom?

And meanwhile on Mushroom Hill this happened


BS. Your really reaching for Wiz of Oz comparisons.

Damn, I'm good.
