Harmony gold

I hope all the fans of robotech could agree that harmony gold has basically done nothing with robotech since they put it together in the 80's look at space Battleship yomato AKA starblazers that series being in the right hands has really blossomed and has recently been remade with current animation technology and even had a live action movie made in japan. Just imagine for a second if the right company had the rights to robotech for example funimation imagine all the robotech we all could have right now I wish we as fans could petition harmony gold to sell the rights to another anime house rather it be manga entertainment or funimation or even a Japanese company.


All they really done an awesome job on would be some of the comics, I personqlly love Prelude to the Shadow Chronicles, but yea not much else. We got an actual feature in The Shadow Chronicles back into 2007 and it was pretty damn good, problem is Harmony Gold have had a decade since that story's production to give us a sequel and we still don't even have a release date. I liked their remastered take on the Sentinels feature and Love Live Alive was in that decent-good level for basically a giant flashback story, but what fans want is Shadow Rising or at least some kind of animated closure. A shame we haven't gotten that.

Superman & The [Red-Blue] Blur = The Man of Steel


For a long time I feared Harmony Gold was prolonging SHADOW RISING in the hopes of cashing in on the live-action film that's going nowhere.

One or two final movies bringing closure to the series is all I can ask for. I'd like more of the original characters to return in bigger roles too, but some fans are surprisingly against that idea.

