MovieChat Forums > Robotech (1985) Discussion > Okay you hardcore fans, how many episode...

Okay you hardcore fans, how many episodes feature nudity?

I mean any instances at all. I saw a list of edits for the 3rd series, & several episodes not mentioned in the parent's guide featured instances of nudity. I just want to know because I liked the series as a kid, got into it again now after I picked the first 4 edited episodes on 2 FHE tapes (speaking of which; did they release the edited versions of the 2nd Robotech WAr episodes on VHS? Please tell me which tapes covered them & which episodes are on them.) & I'd like to watch it when my family is around. Thanks in advance.


Do you have a DVD player? If so, I'd suggest just getting the series in that format, it's much easier to collect together. if you want the episodes as they originally aired with all nudity cut out, go for the original Legacy sets as released by ADV, while they aren't remastered they do have the episodes as edited for television in the 80s. The Remastered version you'll find on ADV's Protoculture and A&E's Complete sets are what has the nudity.

Superman & The [Red-Blue] Blur = The Man of Steel


I found out about the Legacy collections & have ordered the one for Masters & may order the one for New Generation soon. I ordered the A&E one for the Macross Saga for 2 reasons. 1. It was less than $10 with shipping & handling. The Legacy one starts with $25 at best! 2. Because it's just that one episode (4) that has nudity in it for the Macross Saga, right? I copied the VHS episodes to DVD already, so I'll just copy episode 4 & put it on A DVD that I won't ever throw away. Thanks for your help. Just tell me if there's anymore nudity in the Macross Saga please. Thanks in advance


Because it's just that one episode (4) that has nudity in it for the Macross Saga, right?

Right, a very innocent butt shot in one ep, not a big deal. That same shot may be flashbacked on in episode 14, can't recall, all I got is a 'maybe' on that. The New Generation and especially The Masters definitely have more, so for the more family-friendly version you're interested in, the Legacy sets of those sagas are what to get. Glad to have helped and no problem~

Superman & The [Red-Blue] Blur = The Man of Steel


Haven't scanned episode 14 yet (I have little time to waste on clip shows) but you forgot about the topless pin-up in Roy's bedroom in episode 15. Any other little instances like that?


Is that in ep 15? Totally missed that and had no clue about it, my mistake. There's less revealing sensual moments like Roy groping Claudia's butt as he pulls her down to bed with him and Lisa opening her shirt to briefly reveal her bra, but in regards to actual nudity, I don't believe there are any more instances. Without a doubt, The Macross Saga has the least amount, so I'm assuming you should be all good for that, it's The Masters and The New Generation you'll want the Legacy sets for.

Superman & The [Red-Blue] Blur = The Man of Steel


I find it weird that you want to fap to anime while your family is around. . .



I don't care for the nudity. Not because it's anime, but because it's really not necessary. I think the last time I watched THE MASTERS saga, there was like six or seven scenes of Dana nude and showering. And they were the most pointless nude scenes ever. Did Harmony Gold just keep editing that shot in?


Maybe they put Dana nude thinking it was going to boost the series a little, because The Masters series was very boring indeed.

I would have loved to see Nova nude instead. Dana was far from being sexually appealing.


Not enough.
