Has Anyone Received The DVD???

Does anyone know anyone who received this yet? I can't seem to find anyone who has. :(



I still have this on order from Amazon, but they now have it listed as 'out of stock'. On the Network DVD site, it says you can buy it now!!


I can't see how anyone could have received this as I had it pre-ordered. Like you, I have not heard from anyone who actually has it!

So weird.


Thanks for your reply Crusoe. I ordered one on Network as well, and I received a message saying is was despatched. We'll see if it actually arrives. I'll put a post here if I receive a copy. We have had to wait too many years to not receive it now. :)


Hey there!

I considered ordering one from Network DVD too, but since they didn't reply to my e-mail enquiries, I decided not to. I'd of course be very interested to know if you do receive it - I bet you'd be the only one to actually own it!!


Hey Crusoe,

I received an e-mail from them today saying that it shipped last week and should arrive early this week. I will add another post if/when it arrives.



I have it on good authority that the issues that temporarily held up the release have now been resolved. So yes, it should now be going out to customers. How soon the various shops get it in stock, though, is another question!


The World Is Quiet Here


I have! I had it on pre-order from the beginning of April, and got it at the beginning of August. I think everyone's having trouble getting hold of it.


Got mine at the start of this week from Play.com. Just as good as I remembered it to be.
