Great Wide World Over There

I loved this episode. Anyone have any of their favorites to share? I've seen quite a few - liked some a lot more than others, but want to have a good list to try out. Thanks!


Skeleton was very strange. Boy, was the ending gross!

edit: as I'm going through the series (I found it for $10 at Giant Tiger), here are some of the others I enjoyed:

The Pedestrian (love the message; get outside! walk! smell the grass!)
The Fruit at the Bottom of the Bowl (paranoia to the nines. wouldn't you be?)
The Screaming Woman (Drew Barrymore was great.)
To the Chicago Abyss (a touching reminder that memory is all we really own.)
The Town Where No One Got Off (I guess that town is really boring! great twist!)
The Man Upstairs (annoying kid! gleeful twist ending. I felt for the man.)
The Small Assassin (a comment on post-partum depression?)
The Emissary (creepy, especially when you realize...)
