Do those still exist for kids Wesley's age?
Or are they not "PC"?

I know that there are camps and ranches for out-of-control kids (Dr. Phil is involved in a couple of them), but I would think that a true military academy would have higher standards for whom they would accept as students; in other words: they are NOT reformatories.

I remember an episode of COLUMBO that took place in such a school, however, the students were college aged.


Yeah, I think military schools are only for junior high and high school aged children. And yes, they do tend to have very high standards so not everyone can go just like that, although Wesley was a good student academically despite his behavior. George sending Wesley to military school was pure tv drama for drama sake.


Why would military schools be "not PC"? I don't recall any such institutions coming under fire except for stupid hazing incidents in which kids were being injured or killed.

And military schools were a well used device in sitcoms from their inception until the 80s/90s as a punishment for unruly kids. Everyone knows the military is arduous and all about discipline. It was simply an easy reference most people would grasp. The school's actual standards don't matter in the context of a fictional television show.


It would be "not PC" because there are people who would disapprove of the harsh discipline used on children as young as Wesley.

And it doesn't matter that the show is "fiction"; there has to be some element of truth to be successful.
MR. BELVEDERE isn't a farce, like GET SMART.


I don't think that being politically correct was at the top of the producers' agenda. Also, just because a show slightly strays from reality, it doesn't necessarily make it a farce.
