MovieChat Forums > MacGyver (1985) Discussion > Need help locating an episode or two

Need help locating an episode or two

In the intros, starting in season 6 I think, there is a part where Mac is hanging above a cable car and drops onto the top of it. Anyone know exactly which episode its in? Also there's a scene with a cobra in it and in the intros for seasons 5 and 6, the same scene is shown with Mac wearing two different outfits. This kind of leads me to believe that part of the intros were just that, filmed for the intro, but I'm not positive. Anyone know anything about wither of these things?


The scenes you're talking about definitely happened in episodes, I just have to do some visual research to figure out which episodes they were from. I never noticed the different colored shirts before...I'll have to pay closer attention.

What you do speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you say.


Thanks, any help would be great. I actually have a lot more scenes that I've been curious about. I'm kind of skipping around all 7 seasons because you can more or less pick any episode and not have to worry about the previous one's story being necessary for plot development. Here are some others I've been wondering about:
-In Hind Sight, the one where Mac and Pete rehash old missions and situations, there's a memory about Mac being drowned in a sub that was being lowered into a tank and Pete shows up at the very end after Mac blows the top off with a flare gun and some other things.
-In the intro for almost every season, there's three parts I can't seem to locate: The part where a heli with guns shoots at Mac as he dives behind a Jeep for cover, the part where he jumps into a moving train, and then there's the part with Mac jumping into the inflatable raft from the shore.
So odd how I can't seem to find any of these scenes yet they were in all of the intros.
More on the intros, as I mentioned earlier, I have a feeling that most of the footage from the intros from seasons 5-7 were scenes that were re-shot using Mac in an updated outfit with his more highlighted hair of the later seasons. It almost seemed as if the producers liked the intros a lot, just wanted fresher takes.


The cobra was in this episode -


In Hind Sight, the one where Mac and Pete rehash old missions and situations, there's a memory about Mac being drowned in a sub that was being lowered into a tank and Pete shows up at the very end after Mac blows the top off with a flare gun and some other things.

-Deep Cover S5 Ep17

In the intro for almost every season, there's three parts I can't seem to locate:

1.)The part where a heli with guns shoots at Mac as he dives behind a Jeep for cover

-The Golden Triangle S1 Ep2

2.)The part where he jumps into a moving train

-Possibly To Be a Man S1 Ep17

3.)And then there's the part with Mac jumping into the inflatable raft from the shore.

- Again not sure, maybe Trumbo's World S1 Ep6


I've found the with the inflatable raft (it was the Trumbo's World opening gambit, I believe). Checked out S3 E20 Murderer's sky for the cobra, didn't see it (might have not noticed, but like I was saying, there's two versions: the one from the intro where Mac has a denim jacket on, and one, from a previous season's intro, where he is wearing something completely different).
I appreciate all of the help everyone is giving. Just one of those things where the intro overshadows the tv show in some instances, such as those awareness ones people are speaking of. Those aren't horrible (only if you consider the era, late 80s-early 90s, when youth awareness was one of the hottest devices used in television during the time.) They just lack the ingenuity that the more DXS/Phoenix Foundation mission based episodes had.

So with Hind Sight, those memories were from actaul episodes, rather than concocted for the flashback sequences alone. Good to know, the sub escape was pretty smart.

*on a side note, a friend of mine said that if you google "macreceipes," it gives you instructions on how to create every MacGyverism from every episode the show. Pretty cool, worth a look.*


2.)The part where he jumps into a moving train

-That one's Slow Death, S1 Ep19


2.) The part where he jumps into a moving train
-Slow Death S1 Ep19

3.)And then there's the part with Mac jumping into the inflatable raft from the shore
-Pilot S1 Ep1


I'm pretty sure the episode with the cable car would be "Cease Fire", the fourth episode in Season 5. Hope that helps!

Here's the link -


tempusfugit0115 is right, it's from the episode "Cease Fire". It also starred Mayim Balik aka "Bloosom". The cable car is a ski lift gondola car at Grouse Mt. in North Vancouver,BC,Canada. I did the Macgyver/Stargate tour in 2004, showing almost all the location shots of those shows. It was fun and interesting. Our tour ended with a vist to the Bridge Studio when Stargate was being filmed.


It looks like you’ve got most if not all of the answers, but here’s the full list:

Mac jumping onto the train: S1, “Slow Death”
Mac jumping into the inflatable raft: S1, “Whitewater” – the Opening Gambit to “Trumbo’s World”
Diving away from the helicopter fire: S1, “The Golden Triangle”
Dropping onto the cable car: S5, “Cease Fire”
Gaping at the cobra: S3, “Murderer’s Sky”
Escaping the sub: S5, “Deep Cover”

There were three clip shows: S2, “Friends”, S5, “Unfinished Business”, and S6, “Hind-Sight”. All the clips in all three clip shows were from actual series episodes. Most, but not all, of the clips in all versions of the credits were from episodes.

The S5 credits reshoot: Yes, they re-did a lot of the sequences used in the credits. They had bleached his hair so much since the first season that the change in appearance had become startling, so they re-shot several of the scenes, including the cobra, the dive through the door, and the smile-and-pose over the airplane wing. In particular, the ice cream cone eating scene was re-shot: the original is in front of a traffic signal (from “Thief of Budapest”), the reshoot is in front of the Gastown Steam Clock in downtown Vancouver, BC.



It's interesting, because the original shot of the ice cream eating is not in the episode "thief of budapest" in that exact same way. It's in there, but it's a different shot.

Same goes for the cut where he is being shot from the helicopter. The shot shown in the intro is closer than in the episode, perhaps it's just been zoomed / panned.

The shot of the pose over the wing is clearly from the episode "Last Stand", but it hasn't been used in the episode itself. The shot of Dana Elcar posing in front of the chart was probably shot during the pilot, but hasn't appeared in that episode as far as I remember either.

Is the exact shot of RDA opening the swiss knife in the intro actually from an episode? I can't remember.

I liked how they did all the variations of the intros and end credits, not only the footage but also the music (other instruments, shorter variations). The fact that they redid some shots was confusing to me at the time, I didn't understand why.
