Matthew's Age

An episode states that Matthew was born in 1967 whereas the actor was born in 1959. So Reece started playing Matthew when he was 26 !

John Thaw was born in 1942 which makes him only 17 years older than his son in real like ?


Yeah, John looked older and Reece looked younger.


Which is normal for a lot of series, "Bless This House" was another example where the children were played by adults.

Let Zygons Be Zygons.


In the first episode Matthew is 17.

His Dad tells him off for smoking and he replies, "But I'm almost 18!"


His Dad tells him off for smoking and he replies, "But I'm almost 18!"
Which makes little sense considering that the smoking age in the UK at the time this was made was 16.

Let Zygons Be Zygons.


Reece went to my school Normanton
