Mike the teacher

I saw that episode where Mike substitute teaches at his old school again. It wasn't as good as I remember it.


I just started watching the show as on Amazon Prime. I can even remember when I last saw that episode. At first I didn’t like the character changes in Mike but it was time he grew up. I remember liking the idea of someone who hated school to become a teacher.


The problem with Kirk Cameron is that after his religious reawakening, he seemed to suddenly start insisting that Mike be portrayed as a virtuous boy scout. Basically, he couldn't separate his personal life with his life as an actor and thus, wanted things to more or less, be one of the same. He went from being this witty, fun, cool popular guy to an arrogant, smug, humorless, prickly pain in the you know what!


I have to agree. I’m a Christian myself and while you are supposed to live your Christian life in everything you do there is a right way to do it.


my boyfriend is a Christian (I am religious in general) and he is not the intolerant person Cameron is.
