Barbara's novel

What do you think Dorothy should have done with the novel that Barbara gave her she should have tried to sell it when they had that sale to make money to buy a new TV


Novels don't go for much unless a collector is willing to pay a big price.


She should use it to keep the bed level, like Sophia. 



I think the copy was signed. But in this case I would have trashed it. I wouldn't want to support someone like Barbara.


That's easy. It's a signed first edition, so it's worth a bit more than it would be otherwise; sell it to buy apology gifts for Rose and Blanche.


It's almost like a log, burn it :D


She was cited by Dorothy to be a "local novelist" wasn't she? And her book titles certainly proved that. That to me doesn't sound like many people would be willing to pay much for her sig. Plus, local fans could probably just as easily attend a book signing than hunt down a signed copy.
