Favorite Episode

I was just curious what everyone's favorite episode(s) are. This is a hard one! I like the "Grab that Dough" episode as well as the one where Dorothy is on Jeopardy. Oh and I like the one where Stan and Dorothy pretend to be married as to not upset Uncle Angelo. I know there are many more good ones that I'm not thinking of though!


That's a tough one! I like the episodes where they reminisce of things that have happened in the past to them and the jokes just keep coming...


That WAS a funny one! I have so many favorites too.

One that I remember laughing at so hard was the one when Rose told the crabby neighbor to "drop dead" and she did. I think it was because she wanted an old tree on her property to be cut down and the girls were fighting to save it.

Rose felt so guilty she insisted that they pay for the funeral and the funeral director tried to sell them a top of the line casket.

Dorothy- We're bereaved on a budget.

At first the funeral director thought that the women were "planning for their mother", thinking it was Sophia's funeral they were arranging. She had some harsh words for him. lol


I watch GG every day on one of my channels...I feel like the day is going south if I don't get a laugh from them!


Haha!! Mrs. Claxton!! She was miserable!! One I really like is where Blanche, Dorothy and Rose went to a dance off for charity and Rose started doing walkovers and splits across the floor!! The looks on Blanche and Dorothy's faces!!!! Lololol!!! I've only seen that as a flashback episode, but I wasn't sure if it was its own episode a part from that.


I have two favorite episodes actually. My two favorite episodes are- The Flu Attack from season 1 and The Mangiacavallo Curse Makes a Lousy Wedding Present from season 5. :)
