McCall's car

In the pilot episode it had a jaguar hood ornament on it, which it didn't in the subsequent episodes. Apparently they got a new model each year. In the fourth year it had smaller headlights, which looked plainer and less distinguished.


The license plate varies. I've seen 5809 AUG, 5809 AUJ and 5809 AUI. JUQ 813 in the last (fourth) season.


They also did a lot of IBM PC product placement. Even the Russians used IBMs for some reason.


"Hello, Equalizer? I'm in serious trouble. I went out with this guy last night, and when we were both standing in front of the mirror, I could only see my reflection."


"Hello, Equalizer? I'm really in a bind. Every time the moon is full I get this itching in my palms, then I..."
