This show is bad

even the people who made this show said it was bad


Well I thought Droids ruled. Back during the mid eighties right after ROTJ, hardcore fans didn't have West End games source books or TZ novels to get our SW expanded universe fill. But we had Droids! I felt Droids did a damn good job trying to stick with star wars canon. Granted you could nit pick certain details like the A-wing and B-wing being in it when technically those ships were not invented yet. Or a female R2 unit having high heeled shoes but hell, this was a kids show. Same way E1 was a kids movie. Droids was not bad at all. It simply needs appreciation for what it is: a childrens television show.


it was still crap lol


It is fun, enjoyably nostalgic crap! I like the artwork design in the show by Nelvanna Studios. I always like the Holiday Special Boba Fett, so in one episode we got more of him!

* * * *

"i" before "e" except after "c" eh? How "weird" is that?



female R2 unit in high heeled shoes........................ akdnfalksdnfalksf


Sure its pretty craptastic... but is it any worse than Flo the female diner waitress droid from E2?

Who runs Barter Town?!?!


I watched both Droids & Ewoks religiously when I was in Grade Two, though I preferred Ewoks.

I've watched Droids again (some 20 years later!), and I must say that the only really good episodes were the Trigon One cycle. After that, they tended to get dull and/or boring.

Oh well, it served the purpose when I was seven!


Keep in mind this was made for younger children, and you probably were not the target audience.


I don't agree.
