Cut(s) on Gold

at the beginning of Beer, the line " I like to start the day with a complete prat to remind me I'm best" is cut.
Who on Earth is going to be offended by that?


I'm getting increasingly hacked off with the shoddy cuts being made on Gold just so they can squeeze in an extra couple of advertisments.

Yours is a very good example.


just tuned into Head, And almost immediately saw quite a severe cut where Edmund is angry with Baldrick for interrupting when he is about to receive a blow job and the whole scene along with when the woman briefly returns was cut out.


Even late evening showings get cut. Right at the end of Beer, when Lady Whiteadder comes out of hiding, and tells everyone that luck sounds almost exactly like fu....

Despite not even saying the word in full, it was clipped. No sense of *beep* humuor.


The line is a bit more offensive than you're remembering - he actually says "complete d**khead."


This sounds really strange but could there not be two versions of this scene? I always remember it being "complete prat" too. I have never heard "d**khead."
