Rarity by now

Back in the 80's I watched this movie every time I could, on cable tv or vhs rental. There were a lot of great light-hearted films back then, but this one always stood out for me. I was in the army and so the idea of liberty or leave or just being free to do what you want was something I could relate to. A must-see for any male in the service.


I just watched this movie yesterday. It was part of an 8 movie on 1 disc called "School Dazed". This movie is awesome! I'd say this movie is a must-see for any male period.


I remember seeing this previewed for the movie theaters back in 1984 and I wanted to go see this really bad! I did not get to see it until I saw it on USA UP ALL NIGHT and then rented the movie myself. I know what you mean guy about liberty or leave!

I was in the Navy and did basic in San Diego, California and went to other parts of the world as well and this movie is a great movie to watch! I loved it a lot! What you see happens on leave is exactly what happens. LOL


I owen this film as part of a 12 movie box set called the "Too Cool for School Collection."

"We're all part Shatner/And part James Dean/Part Warren Oates/And Steven McQueen"


I know what you mean about that guy because I served in the Navy back in the early 90's so I can relate to what you are talking about. A lot of the scenes in the movie reminds me of going out on liberty with my buddies to pretty much anywhere and every where to be honest with you even if it was a restricted place where we were not suppose to be at. LOL I remember when this movie came out I was only 12 years old at the time. My father was in the Navy as well and I sort of knew he would love to watch this movie.

They no longer make movies like this anymore these days!

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show! www.deefilmroll.com/usa-uan/
