Recently saw the movie

~ I just saw it on YouTube and i thought it was great/sad. Poor Theresa Saldana who has gone through that horrible ordeal and how she slowly recooperate from it. What really got me down was that terrible obstacle ruined her marriage.😕


De aquel amor
de musica ligera
nada nos libra
nada mas queda

- Soda Stereo 🎤

Descanse en paz Gustavo Cerati


I saw this movie years ago. It is excellent and I think she's extraordinarily courageous to have portrayed herself. I can't imagine how horrifying it must have been to film the attack scene. I really give her credit for making this movie in order to bring awareness to victim's rights. And maybe to help herself get a bit of closure on the incident. She certainly deserved it. I really enjoyed seeing her in "The Commish" also; excellent actress all around.
