The ending

Does he leave his wife for her? I would like to think so, but then he would probably have a mistress anyway. Any thoughts?


of course he left that loveless marriage for Mo!!! I taped this off tv and would love to find a full dvd not altered by tv. they married, stayed friends with casenov & his wife, got a place on the river like theirs, had babies and were happily ever after. have never seen him in any other movied, what a great
actor, would love to see him more....and wish karen allen would do more of this kind of movie and not just indiana jones stuff...she is a treasure.!!
[email protected]

morgan oneill


Nah--I think he stay married for the sake of the children and put Mo up in a nice little apartment on the Seine. Why should SHE have to do his laundry? LOL


It sort of indicates that they would make some kind of compromise. My guess is the wife may have had someone herself with the way he described there marriage. He obviously may not have loved her but needed her as she needed him for financial, political and family reasons. I felt they were a couple with benefits. It was indicated several times in the film that he was what he was. So I'm betting there was an arrangement made where he stayed with the wife, but they both would have there space. The wife had to know more then he let on whether he was lying or simply unaware of her figuring things out. From this much info you should be able to draw your own conclusion.


I absolutely love this movie. One of my all time favorites. In my opinion, I truly do not believe that Mo, being the type of person she was, would have ever settled for just being a mistress to him. Although she was madly in love with him, her character, as a strong and independent woman with certain standards coupled with what she had endured when her husband left her, would not have allowed her to "lower" herself to live that kind of lifestyle. The fact that he did some deep soul searching and wrestled with whether to stay with his wife or be with Mo, and then raced to the airport to catch her before she left, proved to me that he had made the decision that he really loved Mo. He was willing to not only leave his wife for good but to also give up the mistress (whom he had rejected when she came to his apartment that one day) and make a real commitment to Mo for the rest of his life. I think in the end he realized that Mo was what he really wanted, who he really loved, and he was willing to walk away from the life he had before if that's what it took to have Mo.


I completely agree with you. There is no way Mo would have been happy as his mistress. She would never have lowered herself to that status in his life nor would she have given up her life back in the States to be someone's mistress.

Xavier was in love for the first time in his life. He ran to catch Mo at the airport because he wasn't about to let her go without him. His wife knew he was leaving her and that's why she put her hand over his at the dinner table.

Their marriage ended, there's no doubt about it. He called his wife to put an end to his affair with Mo but realized he was completely in love with her. There's no way he could settle for a loveless marriage after that.

Boldly they rode and well, Into the jaws of Death, Into the mouth of Hell.
