Artax's death

Who else cried at this scene? i did when i was 4 when i saw it in a kid's matinee in one of my theaters in my city in 85 and i even cried as a teen and still does make me cry everytime i see that see, such a powerful scene.

You killed Captain Clown, YOU KILLED CAPTAIN CLOWN-The Joker on Batman TAS



Mate the whole world cried while watching this scene.

Along with the death of Optimus Prime, I think Artax's death goes down as the most traumatic event in a lot of children's lives.


Old Yeller's is still worse.


Yeah, even back then I couldn't watch it. Had to fast-forward the VHS. :( Such an emotional and existential film for kids!


If you didn't cry when watching this as a child (heck I'm 39 & I weep like crazy), you had no soul!

In terms of weep factor, this film was right up there with "Charlotte's Web", "The Last Unicorn", & "The Secret of NIMH".

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


Same, I watched this at the cinema at the age of 6-7 and we had to leave I was so upset. I just remember thinking "Why don't you give him the crystal necklace, you're not in the bog you selfish brat". Still haven't been able to watch it since.


Atryeu was in the bog, waist deep, almost overcome himself. He tried his best to pull Artax out. After Artax died, he sat at the edge of the bog, with the sadness pulling at him, and somehow found the strength to go on. He is only a kid.


I still can't watch it. Just thinking about it makes me well up.


I have skipped the scene (or walked out of the room when other people are there) since I was about 12. I saw the movie i n theaters when I was about 3 (literally, my parents were on vacation and Dad took me in to see it). I own a pony and while out hunting she got stuck in the mud and all my friends starting crying out "Artax no!" Not funny people...


Watch the very end. Atreyu was riding Atrax when Bastian was flying through Fantasia. Bastian made Artax live again through wishes.


Artax dying is one of those scenes that has stuck with me since childhood as being one of the most most emotional things I can recall in a children's movie. I still haven't found anything that tops it. Not gonna lie, it used to make me bawl.
