Disappointing ending

I thought it was a good movie right up until the ending, when Clint's fighting the killer on train tracks. How did the killer die? I assumed he was run over by the train, but it's not made clear at all. You wouldn't get away with an ending as ambiguous as that today.


Well,with an arm chopped away i don't think the killer has survived at all...And it is implied that he was splattered along the rails by the train ;)


I thought it was made pretty clear that he was run over by the train.


Don't they have any other cops in these town.Serial Killer on loose ends in a One on One.Get real People!


by splendidSheSaid

Don't they have any other cops in these town.Serial Killer on loose ends in a One on One.Get real People!
you must be child if you don't get old school films with deep meaning

I mean the dumbed down explanation is bad cop now a serial killer wants revenge and wants to kill everyone important to clint

yes theres heaps of stupid parts, I mean who can't fight off an ALREADY wounded assailant? what happened to the tough clint eastwood we all love?? he didn't even throw a few good punches to shut the guy up and for touching his girls, the ending was anti-climatic and stupid

but the end makes sense by movie rules, i mean its a fight between two people, good vs evil

clint is a good cop, serial killer is a bad cop

clint wanted to teach this mother F'er for laying a hand on his daughters, and serial killer took it personally for getting put away by clint, so it HAD to be one-on-one

personally i don't see why ONE bad cop is that smart, all these old school cliche donut eating A-holes with no REAL skills getting picked off one by one?? they are so stupid, at least the female counsellor type chick fought back...


Oh no?? There are plenty of films that are purposely ambiguous these days. I just finished watching 3 Days of the Condor, and it was very, very ambiguous. Of course that was years ago too. In Tightrope I doubt that someone (the killer) who just lost his arm would get very far with all the police around.



you say plenty of films nowadays and then reference a film from the mid 70's. good one

Eric C 4 Prez



The guy from 127 Hours got pretty far with one arm.


But the guy from 127 hours wasn't hit by a train.


It was cringe-worthy and quite comical at the same time. The arm is severed yet poor old Eastwood is still struggling with it and the arm appears to be fighting back! LOL!!!!


I wish there was a stronger finish overall, but I liked Eastwood's reaction when Genevieve Bujold shows up at the train tracks. Pure Hollywood ending yet Eastwood shows, as he does throughout Tightrope, that he is a good solid actor. It was a different cop than his Dirty harry.

Films are not reality. Reality is not film. Film is only an approximation of reality.


It was great, but that fake looking arm still clinging to Clint's throat was hard to swallow. LOL


Anyone would find it hard to swallow if a hand attached to a severed arm were squeezing one's throat. 
