VHS Art Work

Hi. I know many people, myself included, have expressed how much Thriller did/does scare them/creep them out. The scariest part of the film has been discussed. Even the scariest zombie! But I was wondering if there was anyone else like me whose fear began with the old VHS art work, as used in the picture here on IMDb? That scared me for years, long before I even saw the flippin thing! Your thoughts.....


I'm not a horror fan at all. Nobody in my family is. But as I am a die hard MJ fan, I used to watch this and "Ghosts" regularly. I can see though how someone (especially a kid) could get scared by these films.

Intelligence and purity.


I just think there's something very "wrong" about the cover and the video itself. I can quite put my finger on what it is. But, ew, just no.....


I actually have the old Vestron laserdisc of Thriller which has the original artwork. It's especially disturbing looking at a blown up version of it. But, I love the cover in all of it's freakiness.


That would scare the holy living crap out of me!!!


I remember going to the video store where my mother used to work and Thriller would be in the musical section thinking "Why would a VHS cover so scary be in the same section as Sound of Music and Wham??!!"

I haven't completely gotten over my fear of the video until I was twelve years old.




I was terrified of it for over 20 years. I seem to be able to deal with it better now though.


The zombie at the left back is giving a bit of an "Ooh, get her!" look as well! Vaguely camp!


The cat eyes and "get away " terrified me not just cause of the scary face but I just became a huge Michael fan at time and I was 3 and it was very hard to see him like that

(By the way sillyspaghetti this is crh2010 :-D )


Oh hello. I was an MJ fan at the time, but this seriously put me off him. Scared me so badly.


Me too!! My cousin used to scream "GET AWAY" and roll his eyes in back of his head and wear wax fangs and chase me around the playground lol...

Are you speaking of this cover? This was my lunchbox picture it was a Michael Jackson thriller lunchbox and it had him smiling with cat eyes on the back and this photo was in my room as a poster on my door



You meant the one of IMDb sorry my phone can be slow and difficult lol

That was my lunchbox photo and one of two posters in my room of Michael from 1983-1985 when he moved, the other one was the beat it photo where he's smiling and dancing


This was favorite one https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.eransworld.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2010%2F12%2FThriller.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.eransworld.com%2Fmichael-jacksons-thriller-video-turns-27-today%2F&docid=qbwq1S3W8rRdCM&tbnid=OIkKWlEPndz_AM%3A&w=297&h=409&hl=en-US&client=ms-android-metropcs-us&bih=567&biw=360&ved=0ahUKEwiD5qPKxd3OAhVkCcAKHY1qDPgQMwggKAUwBQ&iact=mrc&uact=8 I had the white thriller I wore from ages 3-5 I love it?


The artwork links you posted aren't working. Yeah, I meant the VHS artwork. Ugh.


The one where he looks like he's going to turn into a zombie was the vhs my parents had and yes he looked scary one my lunch box was him with his arms crossed and on the back was his big cheesy grin with cat eyes, with Ola's face in the background, I guess it didn't freak me out as much because he had a joking playing smile and no fangs lol
