MovieChat Forums > Teachers (1984) Discussion > Wish that was my history teacher!

Wish that was my history teacher!

I loved the Richard Mulligan character. Loved the scene where he dressed up as Abraham Lincoln and gives the Gettysburg Address! As kids, everyone recites the Pledge of Allegiance (in our school, we also had to sing My Country, Tis of Thee) but I didn't know any kid who really understood what the words REALLY meant. I love this scene because I think it really made the kids LISTEN to the words and understand what the speech was about. When the authorities finally came for him, he and several students were atop his desk, "crossing the Delaware". It seems he made them excited about learning history. Isn't that what teaching is about?


No, when they come to get him, he is doing General Custer and the students are interviewing him. I guess Herbert felt he had to do something to interest the kids and he had his own fantasies of performing so he felt he could do this. Notice also when he does Lincoln, everyone is cracking up at first and he waits for them sternly to quiet down and then he begins.


At the beginning the social worker assures the apartment manager that he is safe, he just has a problem with reality. Oddly enough there ARE teachers in colleges and high schools who have protrayed famous historical figures in their history classes which makes it all the more real to the students. For Herbert Gower he fulfilled his fantasies of being famous figures in history by taking this job. It was quite an effective teaching tool.In his mind he WAS those figures he portrayed. Instead of reading dry history he actually portrayed the figures thus bringing it to life and interacting with the students.Tohim the kids were his fans and he gloried in the acting.


I can't imagine any of my teachers working so hard. Most of them were too lazy to pick their own VD scabs.


He was great in that role.
