R rating

Is the only reason that this movie has an R rating is because of the language?


hmm I must say that I can't see why it is rated R... there certaintly is no violence or sex in the movie...


Yes, it's for language. There are a few "f" words, but it is a very mild "R."




It's sickening to think that a movie with a couple 'F-bombs' has the same rating as Boogie Nights or Pulp Fiction; which have a very high amount of the usual obsenities. Just more bullschitt from the MPAA...


If the "F-word" is used more than once it's rated R.


they should specify more the ratings for ages : 12,14,16,18


Movies shouldn't be rated.


No, movies SHOULD be rated; the idea is a good one, and these sorts of things are necessary for those who want to make a judgement about what they or their children should watch.

The problem is the MPAA. These guys should be under more scrutiny.


Yeah, Tom Cruise says *beep* in a thematically dark Spielberg movie and it gets PG13. Go figure.
