MovieChat Forums > Stranger Than Paradise (1984) Discussion > Scarlett Johansson and John Lurie relate...

Scarlett Johansson and John Lurie related?

I heard the strangest thing the other day. Someone told me that Scarlett Johansson and John Lurie are related. I didn't believe them, but this person insisted that they were. Could someone please shed some light on this peculiar statement... (Tell me if its true!!)


strange strange strange, i don't know anything about these guys being related, but i thought about johansson while watching lurie in stp


John Lurie did the soundtrack for Manny & Lo, which had Scarlett in it. So that's a kind of connection. But I doubt they are actually related. I can see a resemblance though.


Really? I thought Lurie looked a bit like Vin Diesel. And sounded a LOT like him.
