Were Willie + Eva in love?

I got a really strong vibe that Willie and Eva fell in love during the time they spent together. Am I tripping, or does it seem that way? They are cousins, but there's a really strong connection between them and it seems like Willie is really protective of her the whole time, and that he may like her on another level. Did anyone else feel this way? Did I get the movie completely wrong? I'm really surprised someone hasn't brought this up yet...I'd like to know what people think because I think the movie was really a love story between Eva and Willie. He seems head over heels for her. I can't tell though. Either way, I love Jim Jarmusch and think he is just brilliant.


I doubt it. I think that he just felt close to her in a way that he wasn't aware of really. I tend to think it has more to do with his forgotten Hungarian roots than the fact that he's "head over heels" for her. After all, she is his cousin which explains why he would be protective of her.

I might be going out on a ledge to say that he was subconsciously supressing an urge to go to Hungary? Am I over interpreting? Who knows. Like you said though Jarmusch is brilliant.

It isnt enough to tell us what a man did. You've got to tell us who he was.


i think you are right on, citizen conn. wow, that rhymes.

anyway, i think that Willie's subtle glances of affection he slyly throws at her when she's not looking has more to do with the fact that he's a pretty lonely and emotionally distant person. the scene where he watches Eva pack up for Cleveland is especially revealing in his sudden melancholy response, since he doesn't seem to show much emotion far from aggravation and arrogance. his connection with her was more fundamentally human than sexual. yes, he has Eddie as a friend but he seems rather domineering to him (he's always telling him what to do) and it's not an equal partnership. not equal until the end.

Willie's sudden emotion and protectiveness for Eva probably explains Eddie taking charge in their relationship (he handles the money in the end).


I think that MsBungle's interpretation is definately a valid one. Although Im not sure that I agree with it I think that there is plenty of evidence in the film to make the case. One of the strongest examples comes after the scene where Willie and Eddie accompany eva on her date to the movies. The boyfriend makes a comment about eva walking him to the door and Willie later mocks it. Seemed like jealousy to me.


I think both Willie and Eddie fancy Eva. She is the reason why they make that trip to Ohio. And they could have went to Florida by themselves, but they came back and picked Eva up. Though its not clear to me how Eva feels for Willie and Eddie.
