The ending

(Sorry if this has already been discussed a million times but this is my first time on this board.)

I loved this movie and just watched it again today after not seeing it for years. Seeing it again brought up a question I had the first few times I watched it... what happened to Jenny immediately after the screen went black? There's no way Fox would have just let her walk away from the crater and go back to her life and Sherman was in no position to help her escape. Since she'd spent so much time with "Starman", the government would interrogate her for hours, if not days, and would put her in that exam room with the leather tie-down straps. It's almost certain that their tests would show that she was pregnant, even thought it had only been 24 to 48 hours since conception. And knowing that, there's no way they'd let her go and keep the baby for herself.

Any thoughts on what happened to Jenny? (For the record, I never watched the TV show I've seen mentioned in other posts on this board so I have no idea if this issue was resolved on it.)


Maybe the STARMAN conveniently erased everyone's recollection and Jenny was transported home...but,if the STARMAN had those kind of abilities the film would've never had the road's a good flick-we don't need to change it.




Karen's eyes.
